Finally, a new grandson!


Lily and Nir’s first baby was born this morning, 7:12, in Chicago.  Just two weeks after due date, this baby was obviously in no hurry to face the challenges of our world. Lily had quite a long labor, but all is well. Big baby (over 3.6 kg) and happy parents (and it goes without saying, relieved and delighted grandparents). We’ve extended our stay in Chicago through December 8, then back through Toronto, where we’ll be visiting Ray’s cousin and family.lily-nir-with-midwife

Nir and Lily with very patient midwife!

Suzhou, China, 22-24 September

img_9577Dear Blog Followers,

We had a delightful beginning of Sukkoth. First, pre-Succoth, we celebrated grandson Daniel’s 2nd birthday in a Tel Aviv park on Shabbat. Pre-hag, Daniel spent the day with us, and granddaughters Abigail and Eliana joined us for a few hours in the morning, which included a walk to the local playground, and a making Sukkah decoration session. Last night, Erev Hag, all of the Israeli-based kids and grandkids celebrated Sukkoth in our Sukkah. Today, Edie and I had an interesting bike ride, on the section of road 531 which is not yet open, which will connect Derech Yerushalayim with the Ayalon Highway.

The blog link below is the last installment of our visit to Suzhou. One more installment, on Xian and our return trip via Korea, will follow later.

All the best….

Ray and Edie



Suzhou, China 17-21 September 2016


Dear Blog Readers,

Yom Kippur passed much more comfortably than last year, thanks to having air conditioning installed and working in our new synagogue building. We were encouraged to see that many inhabitants of the surrounding neighborhood attended our services, and so we hope this will be a good omen for the growth of our congregation.

We utilized the time after our break-the-fast to do some light editing of two (out of three) blog chapters, both set in Suzhou, China’s “city of gardens”. Download the pdf files via the links below. (It OK (1) to just look at the pictures and skip the text, and (2) to delete the file after you read it. There will not be an exam!)

Happy reading!

Ray and Edie

